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ONLINE Back To School tips

Wow, time flies. Another school year is starting already! It seems like I’ve just started Primary School yesterday, yet it’s my last year here now! Every year, I like to look back to the past and try my hardest to make my school organisation better than the last, and this year, doing online school temporarily because of Covid-19, it’s going to be somehow more challenging, but for some ways easier. Here are some tips I want to give you guys to fly high in online classes!

  1. Bullet Journal

I like to keep a journal in for me writing my schedules, plans, and I write down what classes I have through Monday and Friday. It helps me to be punctual and perfect my attendance. I also like to practise my writing skills. I make this page each month in my journal that is named ‘Weekley Journal’. There, I write something like a diary except it’s done weekly, which is perfect for me since I sometimes get too busy to bother about my Diary. I also like my spreads to be themed each month, so I usually follow Youtube videos in decorating them. Here is the channel I follow and extremely love:

2. Folders

I use either 1) separate folders for each Subject or 2) One big Binding Folder for all subjects to put my finished worksheets. I personally like the 2nd format best, as I can take a folder, as a whole, to my desk without being clumsy and taking a whole lot of folders at once.Though for the worksheets that are waiting to be done, I do separate a few folders for each subject. In the separate folders, I put my everything, notebook, booklets and worksheets of the accorded subject, so that I only have to take one folder when I get ready for an online class.

3. Homework

Honestly, for me, doing homework with a whole lot of time in my hands, the whole afternoon to be exact, is a lot harder then having to do your homework straight away once you get home from school. I honestly NEED pressure to be able to do work. Which, is why I made myself this schedule so that I can not only be using time wisely to rest, but also avoid getting caught up in games. So I split my homework into 2-3 sections, once I finish one section, I get to rest for like 5-10 minutes, but I can’t use my phone because then I wouldn’t want to stop, so I usually grab a snack or read a book. Then, I finish another whole part of my homework and when I’m finally done with all of them, I’ll let myself on my phone for 30 minutes. Then I’ll revise of course ;)

I hope these quick tips can help you guys achieve your academic goals! Until next time, Bye friends!

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